These 5 Exercises Women Over 40 Should Do Every Week


As women age, it’s essential to prioritize exercise and fitness to maintain good health. But as we reach our 40s, it becomes even more crucial to maintain a consistent exercise routine to keep our bodies strong and healthy. Here are five exercises women over 40 should do every week.

Follow these exercises on weekly basis:

1. Squats

Stand tall, place your feet shoulder-width apart, place your hands in front of you totally straight. Then lower yourself down like you want to sit on a chair and go even lower, until your thighs are parallel with the ground, and your knees are over your ankles. Hold that position for a few seconds and go back up. Do 20 reps of this exercise.

2. Burpees

Standing tall is your starter position with your feet placed shoulder-width apart. Then go down like in a squat position, place your palms on the floor right in front of you and push your feet back to form a push-up position, do a push-up ad then you can bring your knees towards your chest. Then push yourself up and go back in your starting position, once you are there, jump in the air and clap your palms above your head.

3. Plank

Your starter position is a push-up position, then you should hold yourself with your elbows instead of your palms, and the elbows should be placed right below your shoulders in the same line, and your toes should be raised slightly in order to form a completely flat body posture. Breathe deeply and be careful to divide your body weight equally on your buttock muscles, your legs and elbows, that way the exercise will affect your whole body.

4. Lunges

Stand tall with your feet placed shoulder-width apart and your hands placed on your hips. Step forward with one of your legs, then flex the knees until the back one touches the ground or nearly touches it. Then bring your body in the starting position and do it with the other leg as well. Do 20 reps of this exercise.

5. Straight Leg Rises

Lie down on the floor with your hands beneath your butt. Then slightly raise your shoulders off the floor, and you can slowly raise your legs completely straight until you form a 90 degree angle with your body, and try to keep your upper body steady and your legs completely straight. Then slowly lower them down, very close to the floor and raise them again. Do 10 reps of this exercise.

Countless women all across the globe have experienced the health benefits of these simple exercises, they managed to balance their hormone levels, improve their health, sculpt their bodies as they desired and reduce the amount of fat. In order to experience the benefits of the exercises you need to start the two mount workout plant right away!

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