Due to decreased fluid absorption from the intestine or the rapid motion of stool through the intestine, diarrhea is characterized by an excessive secretion of fluid into the digestive system. If the problem is not resolved quickly, it could get worse, so seek medical attention if it lasts longer than two days. This issue can arise for a number of reasons, such as drinking contaminated water, eating unhygienic food, or consuming an excessive amount of junk food.
To treat diarrhea quickly and effectively, home remedies should be used in addition to prescription medication. Medication cannot solve these serious problems on its own. As the body expels all the water, diarrhea makes people weak. Let’s look at some of the causes of diarrhea and some natural treatments for it.
1. Add Banana To Your Diet
Banana is the best home remedies for diarrhea because it is bland and soothing. High level of potassium found in a banana can help in replenishing the electrolyte lost during diarrhea. Banana is easy to digest and bland in nature. It can settle the upset stomach very effectively. Bananas also contain pectin, which is a soluble fiber. Pectin can absorb the excess water content of intestine and results in smooth passage of stool. Bananas have one another soluble fiber called inulin. Being prebiotic, it supports the increase in the count of the good bacteria (probiotic) in the intestine.
2. Eat Some Sticky Rice
Make the rice in a pressure cooker add little extra water to the rice to make it sticky. Do not boil the rice, this will remove all the starch from the rice, which will not at all help to cure this problem. You can also add some pieces of peeled raw bananas in the rice and few spoon of yogurt and salt and black pepper.
3. Try To Eat Yogurt
Yogurt help to cure the diarrhea very effectively because it has important component like Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium which help to restore levels of the helpful bacteria in the intestine. Try to take yogurt with salt not sugar thrice a day. Take 2-3 spoons of yogurt in a glass and add water. Mix it with a pinch of salt and black pepper. Drink it thrice a day.
4. Rehydration Salt Drink
This drink includes three ingredients that is water , salt and sugar, this helps to keep you hydrated and maintain the level of energy in the body. You can also buy it from the market it is well known as electrolytes or ORS drink. Or make it at home by taking a glass of pure water. Add ½ spoon of salt and 1 spoon of sugar. Stir it well and drink it. Drink this solution 5-6 times a day.
5. Avoid Dairy Products
Dairy product consumption can worsen the situation. So do not consume any dairy products accept yogurt. Avoid milk, cheese and butter. Dairy product contain lots of protein and mineral which consumes lot amount of water, to be digested which will again push you in trouble.