6 Colours Of Period Blood Mean 6 Different Things


The key to women’s health is their period, which is more than just a source of monthly discomfort and mood swings. The period is a crucial indicator that can reveal a lot about changes in a woman’s body. In most cases, a woman’s period indicates that she is not pregnant. However, this is not all. Your period can also provide you with important information about the health of your hormones, and we all know how crucial hormones are.

Women’s health is a complex thing. For example, what is the norm for one woman cannot be normal for another, because all women are different. Therefore, you must carefully monitor your health and pay attention to even the smallest changes, especially when it comes to the color of your period. What are other health signals your period blood can send you? Keep reading and you will know what the different colors of period blood mean!

1. Pinkish Color

Pinkish color may indicate that you have low estrogen levels; your flow becomes lighter than usual flow. What does it mean? Some studies have shown that excessive exercise can lower estrogen levels, which can affect your period, and sometimes make it disappear. Moreover, low estrogen levels may increase the risk of osteoporosis. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor, if you notice that your periods are getting lighter in color and flow or less frequent.

In addition, the pinkish color of your periods may also indicate poor nutrition, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or perimenopause.

2. Watery-Looking Color

Watery-looking color may indicate that you have severe anemia. As we all know, anemia is a sign of a nutritional deficiency. In this case, you need to see a doctor immediately. Your doctor will prescribe several tests to check your iron level. Do not skip your visit to the doctor, it’s really important!

3. Dark Brown Color

You do not need to worry, because the dark brown color at the beginning or at the end of your periods is normal. You may have older bits of uterine lining and blood that are just now making their way out of your body (sometimes the blood sits around for some time and comes out more slowly). In fact, the blood has a long time to oxidize, which means that it can look brown or almost black.

4. Jam-Colored Red with Jam Clots

This color may indicate that you have low progesterone levels and high estrogen levels. If you have clots the size of a quarter or larger, it can be a signal of a serious hormonal imbalance. Another culprit of jam-colored red with jam clots is uterine fibroids (they are usually benign, but they can be painful). In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor!

5. A Mix of Grey and Red Colors

This color may indicate that you have an infection, such as an STD/STI. Another symptom of this infection is foul, necrotic stench. Visit a doctor to get appropriate treatment. In addition, women who have a miscarriage can notice gray chunks of tissue that look like “liver”. In this case, do not skip your visit to the doctor!

6. A Bright, Cranberry Red Color

There is nothing to worry about, because this color indicates that you have a healthy and regular period. A bright red flow is the norm for female periods.

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