What A Woman’s Sleeping Position Reveals About Her


One of life’s greatest pleasures is a good night’s sleep. There isn’t a single person in the world, we wager, who would dispute that!

Every decision we make in life, including how we sleep, is the same way. Finding the most comfortable position to sleep in isn’t always easy for women because different people prefer to sleep in various positions.

This is why it shouldn’t really come as a surprise that a woman’s sleeping position can be quite a revelation into the inner workings of her mind and body. There’s a lot you can tell about her personality, such as how she carries herself, the way she interacts with others, and the status of her relationship.

Intrigued? Find out what YOUR sleeping position might say about you by the taking a look these pictures and their descriptions.

1. The Freefall

Women who sleep in the ‘freefall’ position in sort of a reverse starfish position sleep on their stomachs with their hands tucked under their pillow. This indicates a welcoming personality, and if you sleep like this, you may be seen as a warm and friendly person. At the same time, you can tend be a little overly sensitive in certain situations.

The position they sleep in also demonstrates a sort of opposite to their waking personalities, as they like to be in control at all times. They like to have things planned out and keep their personal and professional lives running smoothly at all times. This, combined with their fun personality, is what makes them a good and likeable leader.

 2. The Hugger

If you sleep hugging your pillow in your arms and tucked in-between your legs, then you have a trusting and earnest personality. This is also called the “fetal” position, and just a like a fetus, you’re someone that likes to be protected and loved at all times. You may seem tough on the outside, but it’s not hard to break your walls down. Your sensitive nature might also cause you to overthink and have anxiety about seemingly unimportant things.

You are also loyal and considered to be reliable and trustworthy by most of the people in your life. But your trusting personality can sometimes lead you to be naive with your reliance placed on people who might not have the best intentions at heart!

3. The Board

If you sleep in a straight, stiff position, you are a quiet and reserved type of person who tends to keep yourself guarded. You have a high opinion of yourself, and do not like to compromise your values, showcasing a strong personality. This can come in handy as people tend to become jealous of your quiet resolve and steady success, and your focus helps you block out all the negativity.

But that’s not to say you don’t let go once in a while, and when you do, you bring the house down! You don’t always go out of your way to make new friends, but the ones you have are very important to you, and they know that you’ll do anything for them.

4. The Side Log

Women who sleep on their side with one hand tucked under the pillow or their head sleep in what’s called the side log position. Some also have their arms stretched down the side to make the appearance of a straight log.

These types of people tend to have a nature of cool, calm and collected in their day-to-day lives. Despite sleeping in what’s called “the log” position, their real life personalities are a complete 180! They are the life of the party, and tend to make friends of all ages very easily. They are also both trustworthy and trusting, the latter of which can cause them a bit of trouble at times.

 5. The Snoring

If you snore while sleeping, it might indicate that there are things that are stressing you out in your life. You tend to be irritable and have a short fuse, causing you to lose your temper quite often. This could also be because you’re not getting enough sleep as those who snore have been said to get less sleep.

The good news is, snoring while sleeping can be a short-term problem for you. It’s important that you address the issues that you’re facing, be it personal or professional. If you need to, it’s always good to get professional help as well. Once your problems go away, your snoring should (hopefully) go away too!

6. The Starfish Position

Here the person literally emulates a starfish with their arms and legs splayed out in every direction. If you’re someone that sleeps like this, you are a very social and outgoing person, and often are the center of attention.

And while you garner the attention of others very easily, you are also attentive, and often a good listener and a shoulder to cry on. People love listening to you talk, but they also love talking to you because they feel safe around you. But this also can mean that drama can follow you even when you don’t intend it to. Getting involved in the emotions of others can sometimes lead to also being involved in their problems, so be cautious!

 7. The Soldier

In this position, women lay flat on their backs with their arms by their side, and legs straight ahead, kind of like a soldier at attention. These women have quiet and reserved personalities, and prefer being alone to being in crowded places. They have well-adjusted personalities, and you’ll likely find them being the pillar of strength in hard times, but offering more logical solutions than emotional support.

These types of people are often strict and demanding, expecting only the best from not only every one else, but mainly from their own selves. They place high expectations on themselves, and tend to be hard on themselves if they fail to achieve those high standards.

8. The Yearner Position

If you’re someone who sleeps on your side, with your hand stretched out as if in offering or presenting a gift, you are sleeping in what’s called the ‘yearner’ position. Women who sleep like this tend to be warm and kind to everyone, always ready to help someone – even strangers – with arms wide open. They are also very easily liked by people because of their friendly nature.
But this openness also means that they can be easily susceptible to negativity sometimes.

Because they are so easily influenced, they can fall into the trap of “bad” people. They are also very slow to make decisions because they like to look at all sides of the issue, but once they’ve got their minds made up, no one can change it!

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