They Said That Drinking Lemon Water In The Morning Is Healthy. Here Is What They Didn’t Say


You’ve probably heard that you should drink lemon water in the morning if you’ve spent any time online during the past several years. Yet why?

There are a plethora of benefits to drinking lemon water first thing in the morning, including digestive support, immune system support, and support for weight loss goals.

Check out these 16 reasons why you should start each morning with a glass of lemon water.

16 Ways That Lemon Water Can Transform Your Health

Weight Loss
Lemon water can kick-start your digestion and metabolism in the morning, starting you off fresh and energized. Lemon water can help regulate your blood sugar and fight off unhealthy cravings throughout the day. When you drink lemon water in the morning, you will be more likely to reach for healthy foods that will aid your weight loss goals and benefit your health.

Immune System
Lemon water is a powerful source of vitamin C, which is a vigorous foot soldier in helping your immune system. It supports your lymphatic system that works together with your immune system all day long to keep you healthy and strong.

Flu And Cold
Lemon water is abundant in vitamin C, making it the perfect remedy against colds and flu. It is also filled with antiviral and antibacterial benefits, keeping those bugs away from your system.

Lemon water in the morning helps to alkalize your system and metabolize the acidic temperature of your body. This process helps prevent pimples and breakouts. All the vitamins in lemons can also help create a glowing, clean skin.

Warm lemon water in the morning can kickstart your digestion, prevent and get rid of constipation and promote regular bowel movements. If you are chronically constipated, you may want to drink lemon water throughout the day too.

Kidney Stones
Lemon water is super high in potassium that can increase citrates in your urine and also prevent the formation of oxalate and flush out kidney stones like a champ.

Gall Bladder
Drinking lemon water is beneficial for your gall bladder because it can cleanse and reduce pain due to gallbladder stones.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
Forget about TUMS if you have GERDs. Lemon water can quickly alkalize your system and eliminate all the negative symptoms of GERDs.

By balancing your pH and creating balanced alkaline/acidic levels in your body, lemon water can prevent and reduce the symptoms of colitis and benefit your digestive health.

If your body is acidic from a junk food diet, environmental toxins and stress, inflammation can occur. Lemon water can neutralize acidity in your body and help reduce inflammation.

By alkalizing your system, energizing your body and reducing inflammation, lemon water can improve your symptoms of fibromyalgia and other chronic myofascial pain.

Joint Pain And Swelling
Lemon water has inflammation reducing properties and can reduce uric acid in your joints, helping those with arthritis and other joint issues.

Fingernail Health
Lemon water can clear up the white spots that can appear on your fingernails due to vitamin deficits or health issues.

Muscle Soreness
By alkalizing your body and reducing inflammation, lemon water can reduce muscle soreness significantly. Drink it in the morning and after a hard workout.

Alcohol Cravings
Lemon water creates a healthy and balanced environment in your body, eliminating unhealthy cravings, including cravings for alcohol. Drink a glass of lemon water before any party or when getting home from a tough day at work to help tame your alcohol cravings.

Food-Borne Illnesses
Lemon water is filled with vitamins and antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties, helping to keep food-borne illness away.

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