A recent research has shown that the thyme essential oil and its ingredient thymol have powerful antiseptic properties. Thymol is often included in numerous mouthwashes and antiseptic wipes.
-Another study has shown that thyme soothes pain, and thyme oil has been traditionally used to relieve pain for hundreds of years.
-The findings of a study conducted at the Iran’s Babol University of Medical
Sciences have confirmed that thyme is an extremely powerful pain-relieving herb, and it alleviates menstrual pain even better than ibuprofen.
-This study involved 84 women university students who had reported difficult menstruation, aged between 18 and 24 years old, and they all suffered from primary dysmenorrhea.
-It is the painful cramping during the menstrual cycle, often accompanied by symptoms like nausea, dizziness, backache, and headaches. Secondary dysmenorrhea is manifested by menses pain which is related to another underlying condition.
-Also, primary dysmenorrhea occurs within two years of the beginning of menses (menarche) and women feel no pelvic pain during the other parts of the monthly cycle.
These are some of the most important uses of thyme essential oil:
-Rheumatism is a result of arthritis, the improper or obstructed circulation, or gout, the increased concentration of toxins such as uric acid in the bloodstream. Thyme essential oil is extremely effective in both cases, as it has diuretic properties and removes toxins through the urine. It also acts as a stimulant, activating the circulation.
-Its potent antiseptic properties quickly treat wounds and sores and prevent infections. The main reason for this capacity is the presence of components such as Caryophyllene and Camphene.