Russian Recipe: How To Remove Unwanted Body Hair Permanently


Many women are facing the problem with facial hair. How to permanent facial hair removal ?

This is the question that bothers every woman, who is facing this problem.

As basic reasons that are guilty for appearing facial hair are:

  • hormonal imbalance, taking some specific medicines, genetics, starting of menopause etc.

Most often, the hair appear in the upper lip area. But, at some women, they are appearing on the chin and the face also, and that becomes a real problem.

Before starting with any procedure for hair removal, you need to know the reason for their appearance.

In continue we present Permanent Facial Hair Removal with Walnut Shell Powder 

The scientists have discovered the substance n the walnuts, which slowly but surely destroys the follicle of the hair. This substance is especially active, when the walnuts are still green.

To make the recipe, you will need:

  • 3 green walnuts, separate the green crust from the walnuts, and leave it to dry.

After is dried, burn it, and use the ashes. Dissolve it with 1 spoon water, put it in a dark bowl and leave it to stay for 24 hours, and then rub the facial hair with it few times a day.

This method is very effective. But, be prepared that your skin can get dirty with brown color that reminds of pigmentation.

It can be removed for few days.

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