One Hair Mask That Will Stop Hair Fall In Just 1 Use And Re-Grow New Hair Like Never Before


Today in this post I am going to share one mazing hair mask that will stop your hair fall and will boost new hair growth

To prepare this hair mask you will need

  • Bay leaves
  • Lemon
  • Yogurt

Preparation and application

  1. Take some bay leaves and grind them until you get fine powder. We need around 2 tea spoon of bay leaves powder
  2. In a clean powder take this powder.
  3. In this add juice of half lemon.
  4. Add 3 tbsp of fresh unflavoured yogurt
  5. Mix until you get a uniform mixture and your hair mask is ready

This mask will act as natural conditioner and will also help to get rid of all scalp related issues. This hair mask is rich in vitamin C, that’s why super effective to remove dandruff from your scalp. In just 1 use of this mask you can notice less hair fall.

Apply this mask on your clean scalp and hair. Cover it with shower cap and leave it for 40 minutes. Wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner

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