Varicose veins, often known as spider veins, are unsightly dilated veins that are an obvious indicator of inadequate blood circulation. Men can also experience this health problem, but not as frequently as women do. As a result, both genders are undoubtedly impacted by their appearance, and numerous solutions are being sought as a result.
In order to help you get rid of varicose veins, we shall outline the finest home remedies. By using them, you can get rid of them fast, effectively, and cheaply.
The market is filled with many pricey products, but the natural treatments described in this article are far less expensive and may be used at home without the bother of traveling. Additionally, you can make them at home.
Your circulation will be enhanced as a result of using these natural therapies, getting rid of those bothersome varicose veins.
Apple cider vinegar, carrot and aloe Vera
Preparation: Place the apple vinegar, carrot and aloe Vera gel in a blender; blend them till you have smooth texture. Then apply this mixture on the afflicted area and leave it to act for at least half an hour. After that, wash it off with plenty of cold water.
The crystal of the aloe Vera
It is considered to be one of the best treatments. Preparation: Take a penca of the plant and extract its crystal, after that warm it till it becomes a little warm and then apply on the affected area. You can also use it as compresses during the night.
Aside the fact that it can be consumed frequently, you can prepare an ointment by mixing a little garlic crushed with alcohol. Use this mix and massage it on your legs 4 times a week.
Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo balboa has in its content flavonoids which incite and improve the function of the circulatory system thereby substantially helping in the removal of the varicose veins. Take a tablet or capsule on daily basis.
Dip baths with sea salt and apple cider vinegar
It is a perfect remedy for removal of varicose veins and it is very simple and easy. Just dip your feet in this mixture for approximately 20 minutes and in the meantime massage them.
-Each day elevate your legs for at least 10 minutes so that you can stimulate the return of the blood to the heart thus resulting in decongestion of the veins.
-Take up activities which activate blood circulation like walking or riding a bike.
-If you have frequently crossed your legs up to now, stop it, always have in mind that this body position prevents the blood from circulating normally inciting occurrence of varicose veins and worsening the ones that you already have.
-Avoid long sitting hours or standing for a longer period of time.
-Try not to lead a sedentary way of life and avoid the intake of coffee, alcohol and get rid of those nasty cigarettes.
-If you are on birth control pills, try to find another alternative since their side effects are connected to circulation.