How to Reduce High Blood Pressure in 5 Minutes With These 3 Point Methods


Obesity, stress, eating unhealthily, consuming a lot of salt, smoking, consuming excessive amounts of alcohol, chronic sleep deprivation, and a lack of physical activity can all contribute to high blood pressure, which is known as the largest epidemic to affect mankind. It’s crucial to check your blood pressure levels in order to avoid further issues because this condition may potentially be inherited.

In addition to living a healthy lifestyle, there are several natural solutions that can assist in resolving this issue.

Here is how to reduce high blood pressure in just 5 minutes by simply pressing these points on your body:

Point 1-2
There is one line on our bodies that is called yet line, and it begins behind the ear cartilage and goes to the middle of the neckline bone. Just gently massage this line with your fingertips, starting from the top to its bottom. Repeat this 10 times on each side of your neck.

Point 3
There are two lines, the first one start at the height of the earlobe, and ends towards the nose and the second one starts from the face at the same height with the earlobe and ends towards your nose ½ inch from your ear. Massage these points with your fingertips for one minute.

According to Chinese medicine this treatment offers fantastic results, since it helps in regulating high blood pressure and allows proper blood flow.

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