Effective Natural Lung Cleansing Treatment


Continue reading this article to learn how to use this home remedy if you’re searching for an easy and efficient natural lung cleansing treatment. yet first.

We’ll start by providing you with a brief history of Leucanthemum vulgare, also known as the oxeye daisy. This flower is an excellent all-natural remedy for clearing the lungs. White-colored, delicate Oxeye daisies are found in parks, on pastures, and along the edges of forests.

In very many parts of the world, oxeye daisies are used for brewing tea. These teas are very efficient for various lung problems.

During spring, many use their delicate petals to make cleansing salads. Yes, oxeye daisy is an amazing wild edible plant you can also forage and eat. The reason is that these flowers have amazing blood cleansing properties too. In addition, they help keep the cold and flu away. Below is how to use daisies to make a natural lung cleansing treatment.

Natural Lung Cleansing Treatment with Oxeye Daisy

The oxeye daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare) is known for its powerful lung cleansing properties. Here is how you can make an effective lung cleansing recipe with this herb.

  • Gather as many oxeye daisy flowers as you can from unpolluted areas.
  • You’ll need a good 30 fresh flowers with or without the stem to make one salad.
  • Wash them thoroughly in multiple glasses of water.
  • Chop them and mix with 2 tsp apple vinegar, 1 tsp honey, and 3 tsp water.
  • Sprinkle some freshly chopped parsley and a pinch of salt.
  • Eat this salad 2 times a day, half an hour before breakfast and dinner.

Continue this natural treatment for 10 consecutive days for prevention. If you want to heal some lung problems, continue for 30 days. In addition to being a wonderful natural lung cleansing treatment, this cure is also a great natural remedy for:

  1. Bronchitis
  2. Asthma
  3. Sinusitis
  4. Pharyngitis 
  5. Chronic laryngitis

Effective Natural Lung Cleansing Treatment – Oxeye Daisy

A field of wild oxeye daisies (Leucanthemum vulgare)

Other Natural Ways to Cleanse the Lungs

Give it a shot and see how wonderful, helpful, and kind nature is with you. Other wonderful lung cleansing and protecting herbs are: lungwort, wild thyme, ribwort plantain, licorice root, and echinacea.

Fresh air and exercise is another natural way to cleanse the lungs. Go outdoors in the woods as much as possible. A simple walk in the forest helps your lung eliminate the toxins and enjoy fresh oxygen.

There are also deep breathing exercises that you can do to enhance your lung’s performance and make it stronger against viruses of all sorts. Practice yoga or meditation. This will help you build that deep breathing technique. Even more fun, if you enjoy singing, take up some singing classes. Singers are trained to breathe profoundly to have a better quality sound and pitch.

You Can Find These Herbal Supplements Here

This simple natural lung cleansing treatment has helped so many people, and we truly hope it will help you too. Let us know if it helped, in the comment section below. Stay healthy, naturally!

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