However, this issue can also be readily resolved in other ways without the need for medicines. Many methods that don’t need chemistry and produce the same, or even better, outcomes are based on physics.
In particular, there are quick and easy techniques to get rid of stuffy ears, noses, or heads. This is how you touch a certain pressure point to get relief nearly immediately.
1: Use the Tongue and Press Between Eyebrows
The premise of this technique is to reduce or remove the excessive amounts of mucus, which leads to blockage of the sinuses. Acupressure can be of great help in this case. Simply press certain points on the body in order to trigger the fluid flow and you will eliminate mucus and improve breathing.
You should push the tongue flat against the roof of the mouth cavity. At the same time, press a finger against the skin between the eyebrows, and hold thus for 20 seconds.
As soon as you release the finger and the tongue, you will feel the movement towards the back part of the tongue as the accumulated mucus gets softened.
Otherwise, you can also alternate between pressing the point between the eyebrows, and pressing your tongue against the roof of the mouth.