A very healthy beverage that is rich in vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes is coconut water kefir. Vitamins K, C, E, A, B6, beta-carotene, folates, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, and pantothenic acid are all abundant in it.
This beverage is even healthier than ordinary kefir because it doesn’t contain lactose or casein, which are the two substances that are the most harmful in regular kefir.
Consuming it will improve nutrient absorption and aid in digestion.
It provides multiple health benefits, as it:
- Improves vision
- Strengthens the immune system
- Soothes PMS symptoms
- Improves hydration
- it is a rich source of dietary minerals, such as natural sodium, potassium, chloride
- Aids digestion
- Fights pathogenic yeasts in the body
- Prevents sugar cravings
- Boosts the energy levels
It can be prepared in three different ways: by using kefir grains, an existing kefir as a starter, or a kefir starter culture.
Yet, the cheapest way is to prepare it using kefir grains, either water or milk kefir grains.
This is how to prepare it:
- 5 tablespoons of water kefir grains
- 1 Ceylon cinnamon stick
- 7 cups fresh of coconut water
You should pour the coconut water into a 1/2 gallon jar and then add the water kefir grains.
Cover the jar loosely and leave it for 48hours. Note that if you leave it longer, you may cause an explosion, due to the fermentation that will take place.
As soon as it is fermented, it will turn lighter in color. At the end of the culturing process, the kefir grains will rise up to the top, and you need to remove them.
If you want to prepare another batch right away, you can use the kefir grains again. Enjoy your drink and enhance your overall health!