•.•When you hear the word mushrooms, you might think that mushrooms are growing on wet tree trunks, mold is growing on old bread, and mold is growing behind the refrigerator. This is probably the most common form of fungus, but did you know that there are as many as 1.5 million fungi, of which about 300 can cause disease in humans?
Are there any fungi in us?
•.•Yeasts, molds, or fungi in the form of molds are found almost everywhere, including in the air, soil, plants, trees, and water. Some species inhabit human skin. Fungi grow in cool, moist places such as basements and walls.
•.•Fungi grow by releasing small spores (such as plant seeds) into the air. These bacteria can adhere to the skin and inhale. High concentrations of fungal spores can be found in certain moist, cool, dark air, such as construction sites, demolition sites, old barns, and dark caves.
What is a fungal infection?
•.•Fungal infections can occur in the lungs and skin because fungi can be inhaled or inhabit the skin. However, most infections do not spread beyond the skin and are called “superficial.” These superficial fungal infections can affect areas such as the nails, skin, and hair, and may include athlete’s foot and vaginal yeast infections. Fungal skin infections are generally harmless and can be treated with medicines.
•.•It is important to note that most people can inhale fungal spores without developing an infection. However, people with weakened immunity or lung disease can easily develop a fungal infection in the lungs, blood, or other organs such as the sinuses, liver, spleen, or brain. Examples of people with weakened immunity include people with HIV / AIDS or cancer, those who are hospitalized, and those who are taking drugs that suppress the immune system (such as steroids and chemotherapy). included. Fungal infections of the blood, lungs, or other organs are called “systemic” infections and are generally more serious than superficial infections.
Common fungal skin infections
•.•Ringworm is a common group of fungal skin infections that can affect areas such as the feet, groin, and scalp. Ringworm infections can easily spread from person to person by touching the infected person or by touching the surface on which the fungus is present (shower floor, around pool, changing room, etc.). Some fungal infections are caused by Candida, a type of yeast. It can affect areas such as the skin, mouth, throat and genitals. It occurs especially in warm, humid areas such as the armpits, under the chest, behind the knees, and in the groin.
Here are some common superficial fungal infections:
Oral candidiasis: A fungal infection with white spots on the mouth and throat.
Vaginal yeast infection: An infection with itching of the vagina that can cause secretions that look like cottage cheese.
Diaper rash: A fungal infection of the skin of a baby’s diaper rash, usually caused by the warmth and moisture inside the diaper rash, causing red inflammation.
Athlete’s foot: A fungal infection that affects the skin of the feet, especially between the toes.
Tinea cruris: An infection that occurs in the groin or upper groin.
Nail infections: Fungal infections of the fingernails or toenails. The nails are dark, yellow or white, and are more likely to crack or break.
•.•Superficial fungal and yeast infections are generally not a serious problem for healthy people, but they can easily occur in anyone and can be very annoying. For different types of fungal infections.
Treatment of fungal infections
•.•If you are not sure if your skin condition is caused by a fungal infection, consult your healthcare provider. Your doctor or pharmacist can recommend over-the-counter antifungal treatments (usually ointments or creams). However, keep in mind that prescription treatments (ointments, creams, oral medications) may be required to treat stubborn fungal and yeast infections. Always check with your doctor or pharmacist if you have or suspect you have a fungal infection.
What can you do to prevent superficial infections?
•.•Anyone, especially those with weakened immunity, can get a fungal infection. The moist, dirty, cold, and unpolished areas of our body can be a breeding ground for the development of superficial fungal infections. This may include your nails. It’s good to know what to do to prevent it.
Here’s what you can do to prevent the recurrence of a fungal infection:
•.•Maintain good general hygiene, including oral hygiene (helping prevent candidiasis). Keep your skin clean and dry
•.•Keep your feet clean, cool and dry. Wear clean socks and change daily. Wear shoes that allow your feet to “breath”
•.•Do not walk barefoot in public places such as bathrooms and changing rooms
•.•Keep your nails and feet clean and short
•.•Wash your hands after touching people or animals. Fungal infections are contagious
•.•If your pet seems to have ringworm, ask your veterinarian to test and treat your symptoms.