Diet and exercise are the two facets of our lifestyle that have the biggest impact on our health and happiness. Overweight people should be aware that their extra weight can contribute to a number of major health problems, including a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, sleep apnea, gallbladder disease, hypertension, and, in the worst cases, several types of cancer. Naturally, maintaining a healthy diet and weight reduces these chances greatly.
We are about to share a diet with you that was developed by a well-known European cardiologist. The major source of protein recommended by this diet should be eggs, which makes it distinctive. Use organic eggs, as per our advice. Fruits specified in the diet also fit this description.
Don’t forget that this article is printer-friendly which means that if your printer is connected, simply click Ctrl and P and you’ll get the printed version. This is a good thing to do because you will have it close to you at all time. If you follow this diet and become physically active (exercise) for at half an hour a day, you will be able to lose 15 pounds!
Another great thing about this diet is that this is actually a very easy to follow the diet. You will have to eat the same breakfast – one piece of fruit (any fruit you want except bananas or grapes). Our recommendation is to take one serving of blueberries or blackberries because they are rich in antioxidants.
Lunch – One egg, one cup of yogurt and one orange.
Dinner – Two pieces of toast, two boiled eggs, half a cucumber (you can use a small bowl of fresh lettuce instead), two tomatoes.
Lunch – One boiled egg, one cup of yogurt, one orange
Dinner – 125 grams of red meat, one piece of toast, one cup of sugar-free coffee or tea, one orange
Lunch – one orange, one cucumber, one boiled egg
Dinner – one orange, 125 grams of cooked red meat, one cup of sugar-free tea or coffee, one piece of toast
Lunch – one orange, one piece of toast, 125 grams of cottage cheese
Dinner – use the same dinner like the one used on the third day.
Lunch – 200 grams of cooked fish or meat, one piece of toast and one tomato
Dinner – half a pound of cooked peas, potatoes, and carrots
It is strongly recommended to practice this diet for five days in a row and giving yourself a two-day break before starting the same cycle again. The veggies present in this diet must be cooked without salt. Stay away from alcohol. In case you are not completely healthy, talk to your doctor before starting this diet.