Aspirin Facial Mask – Makes Miracles For Your Face!


Aspirin-containing face masks are inexpensive options for anti-inflammatory cosmetics. If your facial skin is delicate and prone to inflammation, all you need to do to get a real makeover is pick up some aspirin tablets.


This medication reduces fever and acts as a painkiller.

Internal administration results in blood thinning, vasodilation, and the cessation of several inflammatory processes in the body. When you apply this medication to your face, the same thing occurs: the inflammation is stopped, the skin is soothed, and the capillaries are reinforced. Aspirin also lightens skin tone and has a secondary bleaching effect. This product’s masks have the texture of a fine scrub; the tiny particles have a peeling action, get rid of dead skin cells, and clean the pores, preventing acne. Oily skin consequently becomes supple, tidy, and new.

Firstly, those who suffer from an allergy or intolerance to this drug. Aspirin masks are contraindicated for people with vascular diseases, pregnant and nursing women. Do not use aspirin if you have fresh scratches or wounds on the face, so as not to provoke bleeding.

Face mask with honey. Suitable for dry skin, because the honey offsets the drying effect of aspirin. Heals acne scars and removes blackheads. Crush 4 aspirin tablets into a powder, and then add the honey and stir until the mixture is the consistency of porridge. Apply on the face for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Face mask with lemon juice. Excellent skin whitener that cleanses and refreshes the face at the same time. Grind 3 aspirin tablets and dilute with 1 tsp lemon juice. Apply for 10 minutes and wash with a solution of 4 cups water and 1 tablespoon soda.

Face mask with black clay. It helps prevent pimples and blackheads. Mix some clay with water to obtain a slurry. Mix 1 tablespoon of the slurry with 1 powdered aspirin tablet. Apply on the face and neck and wash off after 20 minutes.

Face mask with white clay. Mix white clay (you can use blue) with crushed aspirin in the ratio 4:1 and top up with water to obtain a consistency suitable for application. Leave on the skin for 15 minutes and rinse. This mask perfectly bleached and evens the skin.

Don’t use masks with aspirin more than twice a week, as the drug penetrates through the skin into the body and in large doses can cause harm to the health. It’s better to make them at night as acetylsalicylic acid increases the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight. When preparing the mask avoid using metal tools and utensils.

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