The Most Effective Homemade Peeling Against Stretch Marks And Cellulite!


Peeling products are cosmetics that have abrasive components. An exfoliator’s primary goal is to remove dirt and dead skin cells. Scrubbing increases circulation and aids in cell renewal, making the skin incredibly smooth. This scrub will help reduce cellulite and stretch marks in addition to cleaning the skin.

The reason this exfoliating sugar and salt peeling combo is so well-liked is that it virtually eliminates stretch marks and cellulite at home without the need for expensive treatments.

Necessary ingredients:

  • 1 cup salt
  • 1 cup sugar
  • ½ cup palm oil

Preparation and use:

  • To get a thick mixture as a true gel, place in a bowl all ingredients and mix them well. Leave to stand for half an hour and then again mix well. Your peel is ready.
  • Rub on the problem areas of skin, massaging in a circular motions for 2-3 minutes. Use this scrub every night after a shower.
  • After peel, rinse with warm water. Then apply a little moisturizer or body lotion.

After only a month of regular use, you will notice that the stretch marks and cellulite become less visible. After the first positive results, do not stop the treatment. It is possible to almost completely remove the stretch marks and cellulite using this gel, which can be easily and cheaply be prepared at home.

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