When Should a Man Stop Dying His Hair?


Grey hair equals aging gracefully, but some people’s case is far away from aging gracefully. You might be wondering why I started with grey. But what would make a man dye his hair if it’s not to cover grey? That one aside, now when should a man stop dying his hair?

A short answer is anytime a man notices unusual changes or can no longer dye the hair. The long answer is a gentleman should stop dying his hair as he enters 50 years, and here’s why.

Unlike women with long hair, older men’s hair is short, and the scalp becomes soft and fragile as they get older, which creates a backdoor for easy entry of chemicals into the body, which can cause severe allergy.

Don’t back out yet, because in this post I am going to show you;

  • The unusual signs and changes that are telling you to quit hair dye.
  • How to stop coloring your hair even when you can’t stop it (addicted) and
  • What happens when you stop dying your hair.

Let’s get started;

5 Signs You Should Stop Dying Your Hair

  1. You Start Feeling Pains and Itching After Dying Hair

This sign shows that you are becoming allergic to hair dye, which means your scalp is becoming softer and can’t contend with the chemical reactions anymore.

2. The Hair Color No Longer Last More Than A week

At this point, the upkeep can become expensive. That is- you start dying weekly, and if you are the type that goes for booking, I believe you will begin dealing with colorists every week.

Well, this also depends on how fast your hair grows. But once you notice that the time frame is drastically reducing, stop the hair dying.

3. Hair becomes Dry

Hair dye can make your hair becomes dry and brittle if you overdo it.

And if you are the type that dyes hair every week, you won’t give the hair enough space to produce natural oils the hair deserves, and guess what happens next.

4. Your Hair Becomes Lighter

Some say it’s a myth that there is no way hair dye can make your hair thinner. Well, I will leave everyone to their beliefs.

But when your hair starts to become thinner, know you have gotten to a stage where you’ve flushed away all the nutrients and weight in your hair strands with the chemical.

Don’t think that your hair isn’t losing integrity because you aren’t bleaching or changing to a strange color.

5. Hair Starts Falling

After thinning, the hair starts falling. It could be a sign that you are going bald or suffering from a particular illness, or even worse.

This sign doesn’t show that fast, so you won’t notice it real quick. At this point, stop applying hair dye and maybe visit your doctor.

How to Stop Coloring Hair Even When You Cant

If you are reading this part, It is so apparent that you are scared of what people might say—just guessing.

But are you going to continue that way forever? Hell No.  So if you are finding it challenging to stop dying your hair, do this.

  1. Look up to celebrities you know with grey hair as a Model. You see those guys; they are seen by millions of fans now and then, compared them to yourself and finger cross your hand and say, “I can do it.”
  2. Next is to discard the hair dye box you have inside your wardrobe or shelf. Doing that alone shows how ready you are (I know addicts will find this stage crazy)
  3. Opt-in for grey men haircuts or lower haircuts and welcome yourself with full courage to the tribe.

What Happens If You Stop Coloring Hair

A lot of men get scared of what will happen next after they stop covering their grey hair.

But I don’t get it. Are these men afraid of the natural thing God and nature have given to them?

Or what other people might say? Or maybe they aren’t confident enough to go natural.

Here are things you will likely face after you stop dying your hair, and this is how to handle it.

  1. Your Hair Becomes Gray and Back to Its Natural State: At this point, you are now officially welcome to the grey hair world– a world for unique people who are gracefully aging, be it premature or from birth. Just wear on your confidence pants and walk around with them. At first, people will talk about sudden changes. But smile and reply to them pleasantly, saying, “it’s lord doing.”
  2. It starts looking rough in your eyes: At the early stage of embracing the grey, you will start feeling uncomfortable in a public place because you think it’s messy. So what you should do is go for shorter haircuts, then feed your grey with oil for shines. And don’t forget to change your hair routine to make sure new salt and pepper look fresh every day.

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