Remove any cysts and fibroids by combining these 2 ingredients


The amazing remedy described in this article uses just two ingredients, but it works wonders in treating a wide range of health problems, especially cysts and fibroids.

The houseleek, a common house plant that was first cultivated by the Romans and Greeks, is the first component of this remedy.

It has been grown alongside other plants as a defense against insects, caterpillars, and other pests.

The house-leek’s Latin name translates to “always living,” and given that it can survive almost any ailment, the plant certainly lives up to its name. It offers a variety of therapeutic nutrients, particularly when it comes to the treatment of fibroids and cysts.



  • 300 g/ 10.5 oz leaves of house-leek
  • 500 g/ 17.5 oz honey


First, chop the leaves of the house-leek and add the honey afterwards. Let them stand for 2-3 days, until the ingredients are fully soaked.

How to use it:

Consume the remedy in the morning, on an empty stomach, before you eat or drink anything else. Don’t consume anything in the next 2 hours, too.

This remedy has the ability to stimulate the metabolism and to cleanse the body of toxins. It is especially effective during the winter months, as more and more harmful substances accumulate in the body. This is due to the lack of physical activity during winter. Consequently, detoxification and natural remedies are of utmost importance.

Even Russian doctors recommend this remedy, due to the fact that it is said to be extremely beneficial in cases of cardiovascular diseases.

Finally, as mentioned in the very beginning, this amazing combination is extremely effective in the treatment of ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids.

Other natural methods to help manage your PCOS symptoms:

Before trying any treatment option, it’s important to discuss your diagnosis with your health care provider and collaborate on a plan that works for you.

1. Be strategic with calories

One study indicates that caloric intake timing can have a big impact on glucose, insulin and testosterone levels. Lowering insulin could potentially help with infertility issues. Women with PCOS who ate the majority of their daily calories at breakfast for 12 weeks significantly improved their insulin and glucose levels as well as decreased their testosterone levels by 50 percent, compared to women who consumed their largest meals at dinnertime. The effective diet consisted of a 980-calorie breakfast, a 640-calorie lunch, and a 190-calorie dinner.

2. Decrease AGEs

Women with PCOS have been shown to have higher levels of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in their blood. AGEs are compounds formed when glucose binds with proteins, and are believed to contribute to certain degenerative diseases and aging. One small study found that cutting down on dietary AGEs significantly reduced insulin levels in women with PCOS. Foods high in AGEs include animal-derived foods and processed foods. Applying high heat (grilling, searing, roasting) increases levels.

3. Bone up on vitamin D and calcium

A case-control study examining 100 infertile women with PCOS found that those who supplemented a daily 1500 mg dose of metformin, a medication commonly used to treat PCOS symptoms, with calcium and vitamin D saw improvements in BMI, menstrual abnormalities, and other symptoms. The women in the study added 1,000 mg of calcium a day and 100,000 IU of vitamin D a month to their daily metformin dose for six months.

4. Get enough magnesium

Many women with PCOS exhibit symptoms of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome, risk factors that raise the risk for heart disease and other problems like diabetes and stroke. Low magnesium levels are often associated with diabetes, and some research indicates that a dietary supplement of the mineral may improve insulin sensitivity, a factor in the development of type 2 diabetes and PCOS. One study found that overweight, insulin-resistant subjects who received 300 mg of magnesium at bedtime showed a significant improvement in fasting blood glucose and insulin levels, compared to subjects who received a placebo.

5. Increase your chromium

Chromium is an essential mineral that helps the body regulate insulin and blood sugar levels. Some research suggests that chromium supplements can help people with diabetes lower their blood glucose levels. One study examined the role of the mineral in women with PCOS. The results indicated that 200 mcg daily of chromium picolinate significantly reduced fasting blood sugar and insulin levels in subjects — enough that the effects were comparable to the pharmaceutical, metformin. While metformin was also associated with lower levels of testosterone, taking a daily dose of 200 mcg of chromium picolinate could help regulate blood sugar levels.

6. Load up on omega-3s

Fish oil has been associated with a long list of health benefits, and some research indicates that omega-3 supplements can decrease androgen levels in women with PCOS. One study found that women with PCOS who were given three grams of omega-3s a day for eight weeks had lower testosterone concentrations and were more likely to resume regular menses than subjects who received a placebo.

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