14 Deadly Mistakes You Need to Avoid in A Relationship


We all make mistakes every day as humans in our jobs, businesses, and even personal relationships.

These errors can occasionally cause us a great deal of pain, heartache, or even the end of our relationship.

Although we may never be able to reverse these errors, we can resolve to never allow them to happen again.

This post is for you if you’ve ever done something wrong that nearly or completely destroyed your relationship.

You will discover why after reading this post if you keep having relationships end and have no plausible explanation.

I’m going to outline some terrible mistakes you should steer clear of in your romantic relationships.

#1 Not Saying Sorry When You Should

The number one mistake people make in their relationship is refusing to say sorry when they should.

Most times, saying sorry is all we need to prevent our relationship from breaking apart.

Practice saying sorry even when you are not at fault.

#2 Taking Your Partner for Granted

Another huge mistake some people make is getting so familiar with their partners that they lose respect for them and start taking them for granted.

They speak to them in harsh tones, walk out on them during discussions, reveal their secrets to other people and never consult them before making big decisions.

The solution to this problem is “Never take your partner for granted”.

#3 Not Communicating Your Feelings

Another big mistake people make in their relationships is refusing to communicate their feelings to their partners even when they should.

They hide their grievances, pain, and anger deep within their hearts.

They refuse to communicate how they feel until it becomes so unbearable and their feelings explode leaving their partners dumbfounded.

The solution- always communicate how you feel.

#4 Always Lying or Concealing the Truth

Lies never help any relationship! It may seem as if they have helped you get out of a situation but you end up saying more lies to save your head.

Learn to stop lying to your partner; no matter how painful it seems, just say the truth.

Telling the truth will always be a better option than telling lies or concealing the truth from your partner!


#5 Not Being Committed

Another mistake some people make is going into relationships just for the fun of it to see how it goes without a commitment plan or relationship goals.

The next time you enter into a relationship, make it a goal to remain committed no matter what. Don’t plan to sit on the fence!

If you’re already in a relationship, make a firm decision today to become committed to your relationship.

#6 Being Unfaithful

A deadly mistake people make when they go into a relationship is being unfaithful to their partner.

Some people are unfaithful because of their inability to trust or commit to one person.

They hop from one person to another in search of whatever it is they are looking for.

Most times, they don’t seem to find it because even when they have found it, they don’t realize that’s what they want.

Practice sticking to one partner for as long as you can. It’s totally worth it!

#7 Not Talking About Intimacy

Some couples undermine the need to talk about intimacy because they assume it is a topic that shouldn’t be talked about.

They always change the subject when it comes up in their conversation.

If you never talk about your intimate life with your partner, your relationship is heading for the rocks. 

You must talk about intimacy if you want to have a long-lasting and committed relationship with your partner.

#8 Not Giving Your Partner Enough Attention

Everyone loves attention! It’s what keeps us going despite all the hurdles we face in life.

Give your partner adequate attention, care and love even when he doesn’t deserve it.

Don’t neglect your partner up to the extent that you unknowingly drive him to seek attention from another woman.

Get to know your partner, understand him and spend quality time with him!

#9 Being Unappreciative

A lot of people make this mistake of being unappreciative or ungrateful in their relationships.

They forget to say “thank you” to their partner because they assume that whatever they do is done out of duty or compulsion.

No matter what someone does for you, don’t forget to say “Thank you” or “I’m grateful”. It really pays to be appreciative!

#10 Giving Your Partner Too Much Space

I know there are people out there who don’t like too much attention simply because they see it as a sign of clinginess.

Your spouse could fall under this category. Give him space but don’t abandon him!

Figure out how much space he needs and give it to him adequately.

Don’t be so dramatic and say “He needs some space, I’m gonna give him as much as he wants!” Be moderate in everything you do.

#11 Not Talking About Finances

Finances and money have always being a major cause of relationship breakups.

This happens because most couples don’t see themselves as a couple and they refuse to talk about money.

They see themselves as two individuals who must continue to live differently and independently so as to avoid conflict in marriage.

But sometimes, conflict arises because you don’t talk about money with your spouse.

Try to discuss finance with your spouse. If you must keep separate bank accounts, open a joint account for yourselves or the kids.

#12 Always Involving a 3rd Party

This mistake is mostly made by women who are inexperienced in relationships.

Women are fond of involving 3rd parties in their relationship and marriage.

Every single thing that happens in their home is often discussed with another person who ends up giving them wrong advice.

Avoid discussing every detail of your relationship with someone no matter how trustworthy he or she looks.

You don’t know who secretly wants to destroy your home because she doesn’t have a stable one like yours.

Be wise as a fox and keep your relationship private!

#13 Talking Before Thinking

Most people are guilty of this especially when they are angry or offended.

They throw all caution to the wind and say whatever comes to their mind just to hurt the next person.

They know their spouse’s buttons and yet push it to see how far they can go with it.

Watch your words; they can heal wounds or incur injuries to the listener. Be mindful of what you say to your significant other to avoid hurting them and destroying your relationship.

#14 Being Insecure or Overly Suspicious

Insecurity usually grows out of jealousy, suspicion, and lack of trust in a relationship.

When you feel insecure, jealous or suspicious, it only creates problems for you and your partner.

Trust in your partner especially when they’ve not given you any reasons to doubt their loyalty.

Don’t look for errors where there are none and stop stalking your partner or fishing for evidence of infidelity.

Use your time and energy to improve your relationship instead.

These 14 deadly mistakes are the immediate causes of breakups.

If you want to have a strong and stable relationship, you need to take note of these mistakes and avoid them at all costs.

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