How To Do Coconut Oil Pulling To Remove Plaque, Tartar, Bacteria And Bad Breath From Your Mouth


Oil pulling is a traditional remedy that uses common ingredients to clean and detoxify teeth and gums. It demonstrates that it is helpful in enhancing gums and removing harmful bacteria while also naturally brightening teeth.

Oil pulling, an Indian folk remedy that involves swishing oil around the mouth, has been practiced for many years.

To oil pull, you put a tablespoon of oil in your mouth and gargle it for 15 to 20 minutes. The main benefit of doing this is that it reduces the number of potentially harmful oral microbes. The mouth is home to thousands of different types of microscopic organisms.

One of the bacteria that can be seen in the mouth is Streptococcus Mutans, which has been investigated for its role in gum disease and tooth decay. It has been demonstrated that oil pulling, especially when done with coconut oil, reduces the amount of Streptococcus Mutans bacteria in the mouth.

A thin layer called a “biofilm” is what the oral bacteria use to adhere to the surface of the teeth. This is what we refer to as “plaque.”

It’s normal to have some plaque on your teeth, but if it spreads, it can cause a variety of problems, including bad breath, yellow teeth, gum inflammation, gingivitis, and cavities.

The way oil pulling works is very simple. When you swish the oil around your mouth, the microscopic organisms “get stuck” in it and dissolve in the liquid oil.

Fundamentally, by doing this you remove a lot of the bacteria and plaque in your mouth.

What type of oil?

Many cultures utilize sesame or sunflower oil for oil pulling however you may utilize coconut oil for a few reasons.

Coconut oil is compelling in attacking Streptococcus Mutans microbes which causes cavities. It is rich in medium chain triglycerides and high in lauric acid.


1. Reduces dangerous bacteria in the mouth
In one study from 2008 with 20 young men, oil pulling (utilizing sesame oil) brought on a reduction in the number of Streptococcus Mutans in the plaque for less than two weeks.
It was not as compelling as a Chlorhexidine mouthwash, but rather less expensive and much less nasty.

2. Reduces plaque and gingivitis
The inflammation on the gums is the reason for gingivitis, and it happening when the immune system begins to attack the bacteria in the plaque. According to one study both the oil pulling and chlorhexidine mouthwash were effective against gingivitis.

3. Reduces bad breath
It is also known as halitosis and it is caused by the smell of chemicals and gases produced by bacteria in the mouth. As per a third study of 20 adolescents, the oil pulling therapy decreased all markers for bad breath and it was as effective as chlorhexidine mouthwash.

How to use coconut oil for oil pulling

You should put one-two teaspoons of coconut oil in the mouth.

Swish the oil around your mouth for about 15-20 minutes. According to Dr. Bruce Fife, the timing is essential. This timing is enough to break thorough plaque and bacteria. The oil will become thicker and milky because it is mixed with salvia during this time, and it can be creamy-white when spit out.

You have to spit oil into the trash can, not in the sink, because it can clog.

Rinse your mouth with warm water and brush your teeth.

You should not swish forcefully, and if you feel pain you should relax a bit.


If you are doing this for ten days, you will definitely notice that your breath is fresher and your teeth will look cleaner.
Oil pulling is very effective at diminishing the dangerous bacteria in your mouth and it is improving oral and dental health.

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