2 In 1 Hair Oil. It Will Stop Hair Fall And Will Grow Them In Length Super Fast


Two most common issues related to hair are:

  1. Severe hair fall
  2. Short hair length, despite of so many efforts their length do not increase after a certain point

Today in this article we are going to share recipe of one homemade hair oil that can solve both of these at the same time

Ingredients required:

  • 2 cup coconut oil
  • 2 spoon dry amla powder
  • 2 spoon kalonji powder
  • 2 spoon fenugreek seeds
  • 2 spoon curry leaves powder [If you do not have powder you can use fresh curry leaves too]


  1. In a pan take 2 cup coconut oil
  2. When it is warm, add fenugreek seeds and curry leaves powder
  3. Let it cook on low heat for 2 minutes
  4. Now add amla powder and kaloji seeds powder
  5. Let it cook on low heat for 15 minutes
  6. Let it cool
  7. Filter this oil

How to use it:

You have to use this oil as regular hair oil. Use this oil twice in a week, massage your scalp with this oil in circular motion before going to bed, leave it overnight and wash your hair next morning

  • This oil is very effective to make your hair roots stronger
  • Very effective for super fast hair growth
  • If used regularly, it will make your hair softer

Benefits of ingredients used in this hair oil:

  • Coconut oil is very effective you have dry and damaged hair. This oil will keep your scalp we moisturized, also very effective for split ends. Will make your hair healthier and shinier
  • Amla powder is rich is vitamin C. It has also anti dandruff properties. It will make your hair follicles stronger and at the same time will fight against scalp infections if you have any
  • Kalonji is rich in may nutrients required for hair regrowth. By using these you can get rid of all problems related to hair
  • Fenugreeks seeds are being used since ancient times to get healthy strong hair. It will also give extra shine to your hair
  • Curry leaves is rich in protein, iron, calcium, and phosphorus, that will give you stronger and thicker hair

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