The size of the pores can have a significant impact on how you feel about your skin and how you look in general. Oils must be able to escape through the pores and reach the surface. Therefore, as stated on WebMD, prolonged sun exposure and an oil buildup on the skin are two of the most common causes of enlarged pores.
Namely, once a pore becomes bigger, the likelihood of developing acne and other blemishes increases. Nonetheless, you shouldn’t worry as there are a number of home remedies that can shrink your pores and make your skin look fresh and vibrant. Take a look at these methods:
According to Home Remedy Shop, ice cubes are excellent for tightening the skin without drying or clogging which occurs with the use of many creams and other types of store-bought products.
Rub an ice cube on your face for 10 seconds and the pores will open up due to the coolness, and the buildup will come out, leaving your pores much smaller.
Baking soda
As written on Healthy and Natural World, baking soda does wonders by exfoliating the skin; however, it could cause irritation to sensitive skin. Due to its properties, baking soda balances the pH levels in the skin and maintains the pores clean. You’ll need to mix two tbsp of baking soda and equal parts of water and apply it onto your entire face. Then, rinse the face with water.
The procedure needs to be repeated daily for a week and then the application needs to be reduced to 3 to 5 times per week.
Apple cider vinegar
Known for its numerous health benefits, apple cider vinegar is an excellent tool for decreasing the size of pores. It holds amazing anti-bacterial properties which remove the built up oil and it also functions as an effective balancer of the pH.
Dilute some apple cider vinegar with water and then apply the content onto your face with a cotton ball. Afterwards, rinse with warm water. Moisturize your skin after using vinegar.
Homemade tomato mixture
As seen on Natural Beauty Tips, the antioxidants and the lycopene found in tomatoes slows down the process of aging and repairs the skin. With the help of its astringent properties, tomato minimizes the pores and tones and tightens the skin. You’ll need to mix 1 tbsp of fresh tomato juice and 4 drops of lemon juice. Apply the mixture onto your face and leave it for 15 minutes before rinsing it.
The potassium in honey destroys bacteria living in the skin and also soothes and restores healthy skin. Apply an even coat of honey on the face and leave it for 10 minutes. Then, rinse off the face.
Home Remedy Shop explains that almonds hold restorative properties that repair the skin and maintain the pores small. Mix some ground almonds and orange peel powder to create a scrub. Then, apply the scrub in circular motion. This will clear all build up oil.
Due to the heat from the water, the pores open up and release the buildup of grime that makes the pores look large. What you need to do is to boil water and bend your face toward the rising steam. Also, you could simply take a shower and relax in the steam.
Cucumber juice
According to an article written by Healthy and Natural World, cucumbers decrease the pores as they have astringent. Moreover, cucumbers also rejuvenate and clean the skin. Namely, squeeze some cucumber juice and apply it onto your face with a cotton ball. Leave it for 15 minutes before you rinse it with fresh water.