5 Foods That Will Boost Your Energy Levels


Are you feeling drained and low on energy? Does even the thought of tackling your to-do list make you want to crawl back into bed? You’re not alone. Many of us struggle with low energy levels, and while caffeine can provide a temporary fix, it’s not a long-term solution. Luckily, there are many foods that can provide a natural energy boost, allowing you to power through your day without feeling exhausted.

Here are five foods that will boost your energy levels:

1. Eggs to Boost Energy Levels

Eggs are among the most affordable and best sources of protein ever known to man. A single egg will supply you with up to 30 percent of the proteins your body requires in a day.

Moreover, the egg whites will supply you with enough Vitamin D, B6, B12 and essential minerals such as iron, copper and zinc.

With this combination, eggs do not only provide you with sufficient energy, but will also help in restoring you to full capacity, especially after an exercise.

2. Brown Rice to Increase Energy Levels

Brown rice is also an energy booster because of its rich manganese content. This mineral (manganese) plays an important role in converting energy from broken down carbs and proteins.

3. Eat Mushrooms to Boost Energy Levels

Mushrooms have also been found to be highly effective at supplying your body with high amounts of energy, it has even been said that a cup of mushrooms can supply almost 50 percent of your daily serving of iron.

Iron is one of the core minerals that help in the transportation of oxygen within the bloodstream, thereby boosting your cells to efficiently use oxygen and creating the perfect conditions for your internal organs to function effectively.

4. How Sweet Potatoes Boost Energy Levels?

There’s nothing better at fighting midday sluggishness than sweet potatoes. They have high amounts of vitamin C along with high deposits of carbohydrates and beta-carotene (Vitamin A) that will give a great boost to your energy levels.

However, it is best not to fry your sweet potatoes which would strip them of some of their nutrients while adding unhealthy fat. Instead, go for mashed or baked sweet potatoes.

5. Eat Bananas and Increase Energy Levels

Bananas are also good for an energy boost at any time of the day. The fiber content of bananas which is accompanied by glucose, fructose and sucrose will keep you up and running throughout the day. Another beautiful thing about bananas is that its high fiber content will keep you feeling full for longer hours.

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