You can actually lessen your risk of developing cancer by living a healthy lifestyle and eating well. Bad diet is to blame for about one-third of cancer-related deaths. Some foods, like fruits, vegetables, and high-fiber foods, help you prevent cancer by boosting your immune system’s ability to fight off the disease and other illnesses, whereas other foods, like red meats and salt, raise your risk of getting the disease. So it’s very important what food you consume, here are the top 5 foods that can actually lower the risk of Cancer.
Cancer fighting food
Garlic – An Anti-Cancer Diet: Hippocrates the father of Modern medicine has said, Garlic can treat Cancer tumors and sources says that Garlic was used in Uterine Cancer treatment during ancient times. Garlic is high in Vitamin C and also contains mineral called selenium, both these can are very helpful to protect and fight against Cancer.

Beans – An Anti-Cancer Diet: Some beans such as pinto and red kidney beans are full of antioxidants sources and also contain fibers, So Beans can play an important role in healthy cell division and is crucial to the repair of damaged cells.

Green Tea – An Anti-Cancer Diet: Green Tea contains Catechins which is an antioxidant, sources says that Catechins in tea can shrink tumors and reduce tumor cell growth. So it’s good to have a cup of green tea every day, for woman it can actually reduce the risk of stomach Cancer.

Tomatoes – An Anti-Cancer Diet: Some sources say that eating tomatoes can help protect men from prostate Cancer. The juicy red orbs of Tomatoes protect the DNA in your cell from damage which may lead to Cancer. Tomatoes contains antioxidants called lycopene, which is a Cancer fighting agent.
Berries – An Anti-Cancer Diet: Blueberries contains high amount of powerful antioxidants called pterostilbene which has Cancer fighting properties and Cranberries contains Cancer fighting natural chemicals.