5 Differences Between Loving Someone And Being In Love With Them (And Which One Is Better)


These days, the word “love” is thrown around a lot. People conflate being in love with truly loving someone.

It takes attraction, infatuation, obsession, or possession to be in love.

We meet someone, find them attractive, spend time with them, hold hands, hug, and kiss them, and we start to feel superficial feelings for them. When they are not present, we crave them, and our interactions with them make us feel high. Our brain releases certain chemicals like dopamine and oxytocin when we are falling in love and getting close to someone, but typically this chemical rush doesn’t last for very long.

Whereas loving someone is deeper and lasts longer.

When you love someone you want to see them grow, you encourage them to reach their highest version. You take the time and effort to nurture the relationship. It requires commitment. Loving someone means giving love unconditionally without keeping score whereas being in love is based on temporary feelings of attraction and what you can get in return from the other person

Loving someone is an act which requires extending yourself towards the well being of another.

This is the major difference between being in love and loving someone. Here are a few main differences between loving your partner and being in love with them.

1. Being in love can happen involuntarily whereas loving someone is a choice.

“Being in love with someone can stem from infatuation, possessiveness, and obsession. Loving someone, on the other hand, goes beyond the physical presence. You desire to see them grow, you see past their flaws, you see opportunities of building into each other and together; you motivate, encourage and inspire one another.” – Kemi Sogunle, Relationship Expert.

Being in love can happen involuntarily, we might feel attraction or lust towards anyone and start obsessing about them. We meet someone and we feel a rush of certain rush of chemicals in our bodies that trick us into believing that we love this person but this rush doesn’t last long whereas loving someone is not just based on chemical rush, it is a conscious choice that we make where we want to contribute to other person’s growth, we want to see them happy, we motivate them to reach their highest potential and love them without conditions.

2. Loving someone means putting them first

Being in love is focused on what you can get from the other person. You are with someone as long as they are fulfilling your needs but loving someone means putting them first. It involves extending yourself for the well being of the other person. It is focused on giving unconditionally. You accept your partner for who he or she truly is without being controlling or judgmental and trying to mold them into any image that you have in your head of how he or she should be.

3. Being in love is based on infatuation and short-lived, loving someone lasts longer

Falling in love can stem from attraction, lust or infatuation. You meet someone, get intimate with someone, your brain and body are high on love chemicals and you develop surface level feelings for them and you mistake it for love. But being in love is generally short-lived as the initial rush doesn’t last longer.

But loving someone lasts longer because it is a conscious decision that you make to stay with this person even after the initial rush has gone because you love them in totality for who they really are and you are willing to put in the time and effort to nurture them and see them grow.

4. Being in love is needy; loving someone is wanting absolute best for them

Being in love is falling in love with someone because of what you can get from them because they make you feel better about yourself or help you to overcome your loneliness. You fall out of love as soon as the other person does not give you what you want in the way you want.

Whereas loving someone is wanting the absolute best for them and wanting to see them happy wherever they are in their lives even if that includes being away from you.

“When you truly love someone, in a clean, unattached way, there is an overwhelming sense of wanting the absolute best for them. True love is wanting the absolute best for someone, even if what is best for them is to not be in a relationship with you,” – Jordan Gray.

5. Being in love is about ownership and loving someone is about a partnership

Being in love is about possessiveness or ownership. You basically view someone else as a way to fulfill your needs and you want to own them because your happiness is based on them. You will just fall in and out of love based on what you can get from a relationship. It is all about “I” and no “We”.

But loving someone is like working together as a team. You want to share your experiences and growth and move forward together. It is all about “We” and not just “I”.

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