If you love dogs and have one at home, you are aware of the simple fact that they enrich our lives and provide us with joy and affection.
As a result, you undoubtedly want to know what foods you may feed your dog to reward or pamper it. On the other hand, you should be aware of the meals to stay away from.
We provide you with a guide that lists the meals that are best for your dog’s health as well as those that you should avoid giving them.
These are the best healthy treats for your pet:
- Apple slices
- Baby carrots
- Broccoli
- Carob (in small amounts)
- Cheese & cottage cheese (provided your dog isn’t lactose intolerant)
- Cinnamon (in moderation)
- Coconut & coconut oil
- Cranberries
- Eggs
- Flax seed (milled or oil)
- Fruit salad
- Greek Yogurt & kefir
- Green beans
- Lean meat
- Liver (in moderation)
- Mint
- Oatmeal (cooked)
- Parsley
- High- quality peanut butter
- Pears (minus seeds!)
- Peas
- Pineapple
- Popcorn
- Pumpkin, zucchini, squash
- Rice
- Salmon & tuna
- Spirulina
- Sweet potatoes
- Seaweed nori
- Turmeric
You should avoid foods which can be toxic to your dog, like raisins, macadamia nuts, chocolate, alcohol, artificial sweeteners, onions, yeast dough, avocados, coffee, grapes.
This is the entire list:
- Alcohol
- Avocado
- Caffeine
- Candy
- Chocolate
- Coffee
- Garlic
- Gum
- Grapes & raisins
- Macadamia nuts
- Onions
- Salt
- Tea